Objectives: To determine the relationship between morphometric parameters of intercondylar notch width (ICW) and the intercondylar height (ICH) with ACL measures of patients having ACL & Non ACL tear. Methods: The study included in experimental group 60 subjects with ACL injury and in Control group 51 subjects with no ACL injury. Experimental group subjects had the diagnosis of ACL rupture and the control group subjects had the diagnosis of Patellofemoral pain but no ACL lesion. The groups were matched on the basis of age and gender. Measurements were carried out using magnetic resonance imaging. (MRI) to analyze the morphometric parameters of ACL injured and Non ACL injured. Result: There is no significant difference found between the ACL and non ACL group based on their age, in contrast to gender as there was a significant difference at 0.00 level. Conclusions: Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that aintercondylar notch morphometric factor may lead to rupture of the ACL.
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