Citation Information :
Sumala M. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Practice and Attitude Regarding the Ill Effects of Smartphone Usage among Adolescents. 2023; 16 (3):53-56.
Introduction: Smartphone usage (ill effects) is a problem that exists worldwide. Smartphone usage among adolescence will cause physical illness (eyestrain, neck pain, insomnia, restlessness, tendonitis, and risk of cancer) and mental illness (anxiety, lack of concentration, and cyber-bullying). The main aim of this study is to assess the attitude practice on the ill effects of smartphone usage among adolescent students studying at Rajiv Gandhi Arts and Science College.
Materials and methods: A quantitative research approach was adopted for this study. Among 60 students, a pre-test was conducted to assess the attitude and practice using semistructured self-administered questionnaires with three sections such as demographic variables, Likert scale to assess attitude, and checklist to assess the practice.
Results and discussion: It has been identified that 12% were less-addictive practice, 28% were moderately addictive practice, 60% were more addictive practice, 90% were moderately addictive attitude, and 10% more addictive attitude. Hence, we insist planned teaching program by using pamphlets and video-assisted teaching. After 7 days, a post-test was conducted by a semistructured self-administering questionnaire, in this, it has been identified after the intervention 2% more addictive practice, 78% less-addictive practice, 28% moderately addictive practice, 90% moderately addictive attitude, and 10% more addictive attitude of smartphone usage among adolescence. The association of pre-test and post-test levels of addictive practice in smartphone usage is significantly reduced so that the planned teaching program is effective at students studying at Rajiv Gandhi Arts and Science College.
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