Pondicherry Journal of Nursing

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2018 | Jan-April | Volume 11 | Issue 1

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Editorial Message

Dr. K Renuka


[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:1] [Pages No:0 - 0]

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-iii  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



Dr. K Renuka, D.S. HannahAswini

“A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Aromatherapy On Post Operative Pain Among Patients Undergone Abdominal Surgery

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:1 - 3]

Keywords: Effectiveness, abdominal surgery patients, post operative pain and aromatherapy

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-1  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objective- To evaluate the effectiveness of aromatherapy on post-operative patients in experimental and control group during pretest and post test Method- Quasi Experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test was adapted for the study. Result- The findings revealed that the obtained t value 21.938 was significant at p<0.05 level. Aromatherapy was effective in reducing the post operative pain among patients who had undergone abdominal surgery. Conclusion: Administration of aromatherapy to the hospital pain management protocol enhanced the control of pain and relaxation of the clients. hence aromatherapy can be used as safe and inexpensive adjunct to conventional medicine



A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Prevention Of Myocardial Infarction Among Young Adults Residing At Selected Villages In Kirumambakkam Primary Health Centre, Puducherry.

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:4 - 7]

Keywords: Myocardial Infarction, STP, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Young Adults

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-4  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Myocardial Infarction is a leading cause of death in industrial nations. Even in a developing country like India, it is emerging as a major public Health problem. World Health Organization predicts that CAD will become the major cause of death in almost all countries by 2020 This study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Prevention of Myocardial Infarction among Young Adults residing at selected villages in Kirumampakkam Primary Health Centre, Puducherry. The study was conducted in two villages Manapet and Moorthikuppam, 60 young adults were selected by using non probability convenience sampling technique and pre- experimental one group pre-test post-test research design was adopted for this study. The study result shows that the paired “t”- test value of knowledge is ‘t’=25.05 at p<0.0001, Hence it is very highly significant, The paired test “t” value of attitude is t'=10.902 at p<0.001 it is highly significant and the paired test “t” value of practice is t'=6.051 at p<0.01 it is significant. The pre test and post test mean difference for knowledge, attitude and practice was 6.80, 19.3, 2.3 respectively. Thus there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test score of knowledge, attitude and practice. Hence there is significant improvement in post- test level of knowledge, attitude, and practice, hence it is highly effective.



Ms. K Malathi, M Annie Annal, B Anitha

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Warning Signs of Pregnancy among Primi Gravid Women Attending Outpatient Department of Primary Health Centre, Ariyankuppam at Puducherry

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:8 - 10]

Keywords: Evaluate, Effectiveness, Video Assisted Teaching Programme, warning signs of Pregnancy

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-8  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objectives: To evaluate the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Warning Signs of Pregnancy among primi Gravid Women. Method: Pre-experimental with one group pre-test-post-test design adopted for this study among 60 primi gravid women. Results: The findings revealed that the mean pre test score was 8.17 and post test knowledge score was 25.6 with standard deviation of pre test score 1.586 and post test knowledge score 2.330 which was found statistically highly significant at p<0.05 level. It implied that Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Warning Signs of Pregnancy was effective to improve knowledge on warning signs of pregnancy among primi Gravid Women. Conclusion: The Video Assisted Teaching Programme was found highly significant in enhancing the knowledge of primi gravid women on warning signs of Pregnancy at p<0.05 level.



Mrs. M Gerald Roseline, Mrs. S Prabavathy, Mr. S Dhivagar

Effectiveness of Pranayama on reducing the anxiety among the alcoholic patient in Bharath Matha De-addiction center

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:11 - 14]

Keywords: Pranayama, Anxiety, Alcoholics

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-11  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Alcohol is a drug that is dependent upon by the majority of our society. Several people across the world become addicted to alcohol Objectives- To find out the effectiveness of Pranayama on reducing the anxiety among the alcoholic patients. Method: Quasi Experimental Research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 40 male alcoholic patients was selected by using simple Random Sampling Technique. The Intervention of Pranayama was given for a duration of 1hour daily for 21 days. Result: The Mean score value of pre-test was 14.80, post test was 4.23 and obtained ‘t’ value 18.759 was highly significant (0.000) at p<0.001 level. Asignificant association between the level of anxiety and history of chronic illness was seen atp<0.05 level. Conclusion: The effectiveness of pranayama highly reduces the anxiety level among alcoholic patients.



Prof. M Annie Annal, Ms. SajiniMerin Mathew

A comparative Study to Evaluate the effectiveness of Olive Oil Back Massage Versus Back Massage on Reduction of Intensity of Pain During Labour among Primigravid Women

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:15 - 18]

Keywords: Evaluate, effectiveness, olive oil back massage, primi gravid mother

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-15  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Motherhood is a beautiful process when the mother safely delivers a child. Labor is a stressful experience that has pain, fatigue, fear and negative moods reaching high levels as labor progresses. The objectives were to assess the level of pain in first stage of labor among Primi gravid women during pre-test, to evaluate the effectiveness of olive oil back massage to experimental and back massage to control group on reduction of intensity of pain during labor among primigravid women in post-test, to compare the effectiveness of olive oil back massage and back massage on reduction of intensity of pain during labor among primigravid women, to associate the level of pain during labor comparing olive oil back massage and back massage among primigravid women with selected demographic variables. The researcher adopted experimental research design. The study was conducted in MGMCRI, Puducherry. 60 primi gravid women, with 30 in experimental and 30 in control group were selected using simple random sampling technique. RESULT: The study findings revealed that Olive oil back massage and back massage were effective on reduction of intensity of pain during labor as the p value was <0.001 level in both control and experimental group. While comparing the effectiveness of olive oil back massage and back massage, back massage group elicited statistically significant lower benefit than the olive oil back massage group and there was no association in the level of pain during labor with selected demographic variables.



Ms. P Gnamani, Dr. S Kamalam, Mr. Z Ramaprabhu

Assess the Level of Knowledge and Practice among mothers of Pre-school Children about Worm Infestataion and Effectiveness of Innovative Health Counseling

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:2] [Pages No:19 - 20]

Keywords: Innovative health counselling, Worm-infestation

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-19  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objectives- To evaluate the effectiveness of innovative health counselling among mothers of pre-school children about worm infestation. Method- A quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. Result- The mothers of pre-school children have gained adequate knowledge on worm infestation where the post-test Mean was (2.72) SD (0.451) when compared to pre-test which had a mean of (1.44) SD (0.641). which was statically significant at P<0.000 Conclusion- It describes that the mothers of pre-school children have gained adequate knowledge on worm infestation which proved that the innovative health counselling programme was highly effective among the mothers of pre-school children.



Mrs. C Geetha

Assess the Knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of Ebola Virus among staff Nurse

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:21 - 24]

Keywords: Prevention, Ebola virus and staff nurses

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-21  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge regarding Ebola virus among staff nurses working in MGMC&RI Hospital to assess the attitude regarding prevention of Ebola virus among staff nurses working in MGMC&RI Hospital. To associate the knowledge and attitude on prevention of Ebola virus among staff nurses. To find out relationship between the knowledge and attitude with selective demographic variables. Methods: A quantitative approach Non-experimental descriptive design was adapted and carried out the study in MGMC & RI Hospital at Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry. Results: the study findings revealed that 22 (37%) of them have average knowledge, 50(83%) of them had average attitude on prevention of Ebola virus. The demographic variables such as age, sex, Educational qualification, Years of experience, area of posting and Sources of health information has no significant association between knowledge and attitude on prevention of Ebola virus. Conclusion: The results shown that the staff nurses need some educational programs regarding prevention of Ebola virus.



Prof. P Sumathy

A comparative Study to assess the lifestyle of School Children with Underweight and Normal weight in Government Higher Secondary School

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:25 - 27]

Keywords: Assess, Underweight, Normal weight

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-25  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Introduction: Habits formed during childhood will have a long term impact on health and wellbeing. Good dietary pattern is essential for building of bones. Infants and children obviously need extra nutrition and proper physical activity and exercise for their growth and development. Objectives: to assess the dietary habits of underweight children and normal weight children. To compare the dietary habits of underweight children and normal weight children. To compare the lifestyle of underweight children and normal weight children. Methodology: quantitative research approach with descriptive comparative research design was adopted to assess the lifestyle of school children. 60 children were selected by non-probability purposive sampling method in Government Higher Secondary School at Kirumampakkam, Puducherry. Results: Life style of both underweight and normal weight children were assessed under two areas, dietary habits and physical activity/exercise. It was noted that normal weight children were having good eating pattern and physical activity when compared to underweight children which was significant at p<0.05 level. Conclusion: Dietary habits of each individual and eating pattern are interlinked. This study results shows that majority of normal weight children followed a good dietary habits and physical activity compared to underweight children. And most of the underweight children had poor dietary habits and physical activity. It is highly essential that the under five children should be identified and proper awareness regarding dietary habits and physical habits should be imparted at the earliest.



Mrs. R Elavarasi

An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise on regulation of blood pressure among patients with hypertension

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:28 - 30]

Keywords: Hypertension, Abdominal breathing exercise

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-28  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objectives: I) to assess the level of blood pressure among patient with hypertension II) to evaluate the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise among patient with hypertension and III) to find out the association of level of blood pressure with selected demographic variables. Method: Experimental research design. Sample size was 30 in control and 30 samples in control group Results: the study findings revealed that Wilcoxon test value for systolic blood pressure was -4.344 and the Wilcoxon test value of Mean Arterial Pressure was -4.685 and the ‘p’ value was 0.000**. It was highly significant at p<0.001** level. It implies that abdominal breathing exercise was effective for reducing blood pressure level among people in experimental group. There is significant difference between pre-test and post-test assessment of blood pressure. Conclusion: Abdominal breathing exercise is effective in maintaining normal blood pressure.



Strategies to Improve Tuberculosis Counseling Services

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:6] [Pages No:31 - 36]

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Strategies and Counseling services

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-31  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. In 2015, 10.4 million people fell ill with TB and 1.8 million died from the disease (including 0.4 million among people with HIV). Over 95% of TB deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Counseling plays a significant role in providing TB patients with complete and accurate knowledge about the nature of TB, its symptoms, mode of transmission and how to manage the disease (prevention of transmission, managing drugs' side effects etc.).In addition they require lot of psychological support and effective treatment, follow up services are needed to promote their health and reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in the community.



Mr. S Dhivagar, Ms. J Jayasri, Ms. V Santhiya

How do you Stay Healthy and fit in Prison

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:37 - 39]

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-37  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is a fundamental human right of the every human being without discrimination. However, the Prisoners suffer a disproportionate burden of health problems as their health needs are often neglected. The concept of care, positive expectations and respect should permeate all prisons. In addition to providing health care, Prison should provide synergistic health education, patient education, prevention and other health promotion interventions to meet the assessed needs of the prison population. The healthy prison compile of standardized health facilities based on the inmate's needs.



Dr. K Renuka

“Know About Palliative Care”

[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:40 - 43]

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-40  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Author Guidelines


[Year:2018] [Month:Jan-April] [Volume:11] [Number:1] [Pages:2] [Pages No:44 - 45]

   DOI: 10.5005/pjn-11-1-44  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


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